Male fraternity is not to be blamed always for everything

As per Census 2011, the population of India is more than 121 Crore with 48.5% females,
949 females to 1000 males in rural India against 929 females to 1000 males in urban
India. Therefore, contribution of male can not be supressed by that of female. The
female literacy rate according to the 2011 census is 64.63% whereas the male literacy
rate is over 80%. Again, the decision making can not be taken over by female. As per Census 2011, the workforce participation rate for females is 25.51% against 53.26% for males. So, it is bit difficult for females to manage things all alone without the help of men. Women in India are becoming independent but the number is still very less in comparison to men.

I always bought into the popular arguments that men and women were basically the same and that we only became different under the influence of culture, environment and society. But then several events changed my tune. I learned that God had created men and women uniquely different and these differences are designed to strengthen our relationship with God and each other. I also became aware of the findings of some of the scientists who had discovered innumerable differences between the brains of men and women, which was bit difficult to accept but couldn’t because science is above all. Further after getting married, I realised that the hormonal influence and hardwiring of each spouse is designed to complement and strengthen the other. As a man loves and cares for his wife and shows her affection, she is more able and willing to respect and admire him. WOMAN has MAN in it. SHE has HE in it. Mrs. Has Mr. in it. Though it sounds cliché but the fact is that men and women complement each other, they are just incomplete without each other.

Though feminism rightfully calls for the end of male domination and abuse, and for equal rights for women. But true women’s liberation does not mean merely seeking equality within a masculine world, but liberating the divine feminine aspects of a woman’s personality and using them for the benefit of humankind. We have already proven that we can use our strength to slay the demons around us; let us now learn to nurture the Godliness within.

In India women are often considered as Goddess and are given the highest position. And once she becomes mother, she becomes God. Many people might argue that women raise kids better and manage their pregnancy in a better way. I beg to differ. Because it is very difficult to raise a child without the help of your partner and family. You get both the financial and emotional support from them. Women always need special treatment, always need that little help in some way or other. Most importantly, women cannot produce without man.  I used to think that men and women have equal advantages and disadvantages. But I was wrong. There are things in which women are superior but there are far more things in which men are superior. But yet I believe in equal rights for both because I believe in humanity.

As Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code stands, rape is something that only a man can do to a woman. There is no room for adult male victims, much fewer female perpetrators. Although child survivors of both sexes are covered by the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act 2012, current rape laws leave out a large swathe of male victims, who cannot come forward for fear of stigma and a lack of legal recourse. India's law should recognise that men can be raped too and take strict actions against it. I would not so much agree with the notion that rape is based on power rather believe that lust and sexual desire do play roles. I also cannot agree that crime of rape is exclusively patriarchal by definition. Even if it were, I would further dispute the idea that crimes of patriarchy affect biological women only, men are equally affected.

There are many men who are feminists, who fight for women’s right and freedom and at the same time, there are many women who are misogynist. Gender doesn’t really matter here, and feminism does not mean hating men. Why do we women have to hate our men? Honestly, we don’t have to. And we don’t either. Men, like all God’s creation, are beautiful. They provide and sustain, following the patterns set for them by the almighty creator. Neither is a man root cause of all kinds of social abuse, nor is a woman an epitome of all that is just and true in the world.

Not only women, but men also face many problems in day to day life. All men are not male chauvinist or against gender equality, but there are millions of men who suffer on a regular basis. Be it for education, job, marriage or family planning, peer pressure is one of the most common problems faced by Indian men. Same as women, men are also judged on various things which occur in their life. Because of some rapists, Indian men are stereotyped of being dirty perverts. Generally, if any case involves a girl, it becomes hard for an Indian man to win it. So, be it family, relationships, or office, it is the men who are blamed. Also, when you are travelling, you have to offer seat to the woman who is standing. Moreover, women even get preference in a queue. There are laws for violence against women. But violence against men is taken as a joke in India.

There are no circumstances where a woman or a man should be treated differently because of their gender. Men and women are both equal. Therefore, no discrimination should be made against either of the genders.


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