Male fraternity is not to be blamed always for everything
As per Census 2011, the population of India is more than 121 Crore with 48.5% females, 949 females to 1000 males in rural India against 929 females to 1000 males in urban India. Therefore, contribution of male can not be supressed by that of female. The female literacy rate according to the 2011 census is 64.63% whereas the male literacy rate is over 80%. Again, the decision making can not be taken over by female. As per Census 2011, the workforce participation rate for females is 25.51% against 53.26% for males. So, it is bit difficult for females to manage things all alone without the help of men. Women in India are becoming independent but the number is still very less in comparison to men. I always bought into the popular arguments that men and women were basically the same and that we only became different under the influence of culture, environment and society. But then several events changed my tune. I learned that God had created men and women uniquely differen...