Much needed recognition of women farmers in Bihar
In Bihar, agriculture with its allied sectors, is the key to the overall development of the State economy along with the largest source of livelihood. According to the Agriculture Ministry of Bihar, it is the backbone of Bihar's economy as 77% of workforce are involved in agriculture and are generating nearly 24.84% of the State Domestic Product. Talking in broader context, in India FAO says, 70 percent of rural households are still depended primarily on agriculture for their livelihood, with 82 percent of farmers being small and marginal. Also Indian agriculture sector contributes 18 per cent to GDP and provides employment to 50% of the countries workforce. Now the question arises on the workforce behind these activities. Google “Farmer”, you get to see the images of mostly the male farmers not the female farmers. Show-cased as male-dominated profession, women have been often excluded from the farming narratives. Most of the narratives are associated stereotypically with far...